A grieving mother in the US has taken to Facebook to plead for the return of the precious hospital bracelets worn by her late son.
Image from Instagram.
Casey Kilcup’s son Brison died in January at just four months old after he stopped breathing and couldn’t be revived. As a way of keeping Brison’s memory alive, Casey kept the hospital bracelets both herself and Brison wore with her in her purse.
On the 25th of July her car was broken into and her purse containing the bracelets was stolen. Casey has used Facebook to plead for the return of the special items begging:
“All I ask is that one thing be returned. Two hospital bracelets, on sizes for a baby and one for an adult. The date on them is September 12, 2014. Those bracelets were on my son and I the day he was born, the same son that passed away in January…. we have saved every item of his, and I carried those bracelets to remind me of how blessed I am to be the mother of an angel.”
Image from Facebook
Casey’s post has now been shared over 4,000 times and we only hope these special items are returned to her soon.