Mum Shares Hilarious Post When 4yo Twin Sons Threaten to Call an Ambulance After Seeing Her ‘Bleed out of Her Booty’
Little children just do not have a filter when it comes to discussing private matters in public bathrooms. Or any place, really. Which makes this story all the more hilarious!
A mortified mother has shared her embarrassing story about the time she unexpectedly got her period while in a public toilet at the shops. So far it’s all sounding fairly normal, right? Well add a couple of concerned four-year-old boys and you have a recipe for hilarity.
Sharing her experience on the Facebook page Momstrosity, the American mum explained how her twin boys mistook her period for a life-threatening injury and threatened to call an ambulance:
Well, any shred of dignity I had has been left in the Target bathroom.
My first mistake was leaving home with my 4-year-old twin boys. As a general rule, taking them anywhere in public doesn’t end well. But, as I’m a glutton for punishment…
As we walk into the store, I realize that I need to use the restroom. I have no choice but to take them with me. The handicap stall is conveniently out of order, so I have to cram inside of a tiny stall with both of my children and my purse that could easily hold one of their younger siblings. I digress.
At about this time, I realize that it is Shark Week. Aunt Flo has entered the building. Whatever.
I try to distract my young cherubs so that they may not be so interested in what’s happening inside the toilet bowl, when it happens:
Child 1: MAMA!!!!! You have… BLEED ON YOU!!
Child 2, horrified: BLEED IS COMIN’ OUT OF YOUR BOOTY!!!!!!!!!
I am begging them to be quiet.
“Are we the only ones in here?” I silently pray.
A muffled guffaw from the next stall over tells me that we are not.
Child 2: Mom. Are you okay?!? This is so bad. This is so so bad. You need a bandaid!
Child 1: NO! We need to call the 911!!
Me, frantically checking my purse for the tampon that I know is not there, while also trying to cover their mouths: Mommy is totally fine. This is very normal for mommies and women. It looks scary but it is okay.
Child 1: It is not fine!!!
Child 2: It’s okay to cry, mom.
At this point, I hear the door open and several people walk in.
Child 2: Do you have a cut??? On your booty??
Child 1: On your bee-jina!?
I need an escape plan.
I look down to fine Child 2, sticking his head out of the stall to tell another bathroom patron that his mom is, “bleedin’ really bad outta her booty.”
In this moment, I want to die.
I scoot them out of the stall to find a precious, older woman at the sink, tears of laughter streaming down her face.
As you may have guessed, I did not make it home with laundry detergent and baby socks today.
And also not my dignity.
Many women responded to the post on social media with stories of their own.
“I had three 2yr olds in the stall with me when I realized I had started. I pulled out a tampon which elicited excited screams of “Popsicle! Popsicle! Popsicle!” Shortly followed by “Oh no! Mommy put the Popsicle in her butt!” And then tears and loud wails x3,” wrote one mum.
“You. Poor. Thing. Bleeding from cuts on your booty-bee-jina AND your dignity! Dying,” added another.
Too, too funny!! We’ve all been there, lady!
I was out with a Mum of 2 kids, one about 5 1/2 y.o. and a young baby. She suddenly headed fir the toilets and not being aware of the situation I headed towards the toilets behind her as Missy chased her.. I was very politely asked to distract Missy by taking them for a short walk. Goodness knows what Missy would have said at the top of her voice. I needed to go to the Toilet after the Mum returned (not for the same reason) so I was hoping she wouldn’t be too long before she re-appeared.
It’s embarrassing enough when they ask you If are doing poos and tell you that “you smell bad”