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Parents Share the Ridiculous Reasons Their Kids Refuse to Eat Their Food on This Relatable Instagram Account

Parents Share the Ridiculous Reasons Their Kids Refuse to Eat Their Food on This Relatable Instagram Account

It is a tale as old as time itself — little children often refuse to eat the food that their frustrated loving parents have prepared for them. Often it isn’t even because they don’t like the particular foods served, its because it was presented in the wrong coloured bowl or there was an odd-shaped carrot or something ridiculous that put them off!

There is an Instagram account dedicated to all the silly reasons children won’t eat the food their parents have made for them, and honestly, it could not be more relatable.

My Kid Can’t Eat This is the brainchild of a mum of three named Heather, who created the account after countless food battles with her own kids. “The reasons my kids can’t eat foods range from hilarious, infuriating to ridiculous,” she told The Huffington Post. “They know they have to taste all foods and are all healthy, so while I’m not seriously worried, it still drives me crazy!”

The mum invited parents to submit photos with the hashtag #mykidcanteatthis. “I hope that other parents feel a little less alone when it comes to food drama,” Heather said.

Oh, she is not alone, not by a long shot. Here are some of the funniest, most ridiculous reasons children refused to eat their food.


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#MyKidCantEatThis because she doesn’t eat triangles. #Squaretarian #DontBeObtuse #ShapePuns – @lilaolivod

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#MyKidCantEatThis because the hairs disgust him. He’s fifteen. Fif. Teen. 😂 – @amlong75

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Those hashtags though! They really made the posts, don’t you think? #apparentlyratscookbetter

Sadly, as relatable and hilarious as the Instagram account is, it has not been updated in a number of years, possibly because Heather is completely done with this sort of malarky every day and has no desire to deal with it online too. Reviving it would be a godsend though because heaven knows we need all the laughter we can get sometimes!

Do you have any stories of your own to share? Let us know in the comments!

Source: Instagram/My Kid Can’t Eat This


Jill is a busy wife and mother of four young children. She loves nothing more than making people giggle, and loves to settle in with a glass of wine (or four) and wander about the internet. Feel free to follow her to see all the cool stuff she finds!

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