A premature baby was placed in a zip lock sandwich bag to stay alive after being born three months early.
Sharon Grant, 37, from Cornwall gave birth to her daughter via Caesarean section in Devon after her daughter stopped growing inside her.
Pixie Griffiths-Grant was born weighing 1.1lb (0.5kg) doctors immediately placed her into a plastic sandwich bag with the Tesco logo to prevent her temperature dropping dangerously low.
Sharon said, “The bag acted like a greenhouse, bless her.”
Ms Grant was taken to hospital when her baby stopped growing.
“We were told this awful news, so it was a really stressful time. I did not know if she was going to survive.
“When I got to Derriford my blood pressure was really high so they put on Ben Howard to help bring it down.
“There were 10 doctors dealing with Pixie and they put her in a sandwich bag straight away to keep her warm.”
She named her daughter Pixie due to her size at birth In May. Pixie is now 7.5lb, 3.4kg
Pixie and Sharon, Image Source
“She’s doing really well,” said Ms Grant.
“It’s amazing because we couldn’t even imagine her being there.”
According to a study in US journal Pediatrics, premature babies are born with thin skin which can lead to life-threatening heat loss.
Doctors in Zambia were the first to use plastic bags on premature babies as they needed a cheap way to keep the babies alive.
My baby no.1 was 2 pounds now she’s a beautiful smart 5 year old!! She’s a miracle:-)
Mitchell 660grams Harrison 840grams – born at 24.6 weeks. Now 11 years old.
Our only child – son
27+1 weeks
995grams dropped to 730grams
Turning 6 in January ððð
Jamie Lee Garner – you thought Mason was tiny!!
My daughter was born at 30 weeks weighing 2lb 11oz, she is now 8 years old and perfect ð no health issues at all.
Ferit YiÄit
Wow my boy born 35wks at 4lb and i thought he was tiny
I had a 25 weeker weighting 498grams, he is now 9 small but a funny bright child. One of the smallest John hunter hospital has had born and survived. He was born in 2006.
i was born two months premmie 44 yrs ago and i weighed 3 pound 14 ounces .
Oh my little fighters ! Xx
28 weeker 820 grams Now 5 1/2. 32 weeker 1789 grams. Now 3
Gemma Frost