Category: Baby Talk
Scientists Have Found a Baby’s Sex May Be Determined By Mum’s Blood Pressure Pre-Pregnancy
Rebecca SenyardJan 16, 2017
It’s rare these days for a couple to wait until the birth of their baby to find out the sex. While there are endless ways to find out the...
Why Yogurt is an Excellent Food Choice for Your Baby or Child
Jolene Marie HumphryJan 13, 2017
Why Yogurt is an Excellent Food Choice for Your Baby or Child As parents it’s our job to ensure that the foods we present to our little...
The Breastfeeding Photo Many Mums Can Relate To
Rebecca SenyardJan 12, 2017
The Breastfeeding Photo Many Mums Can Relate to One of my most poignant memories from when I breastfed my firstborn was having a midwife...
This Mum Shared a Photo of Her Looking Disconnected From Her Newborn And it Resonated With Parents
Rebecca SenyardJan 11, 2017
A Postpartum Mum is Brought to Tears Over A ‘Disconnected’ Photo of Herself and her Baby, But Shares a Simple Message to New...
There is a Reason Why You Carry Your Children on Your Left Side
Rebecca SenyardJan 11, 2017
There is a reason you instinctively carry your children on your left arm. And a study can tell you why it’s an instinct mums all over are...
People Can’t Stop Sharing This Video of Breastmilk Under a Microscope
Rebecca SenyardJan 10, 2017
A video of a microscopic view of breastmilk is going viral on Facebook. A mum from Colorado Springs uploaded the video on Facebook so...
This Photo of a Baby in a Tube Isn’t What it Seems
Rebecca SenyardJan 09, 2017
At first glance, it looks like this baby got stuck in a blender. On closer inspection, it looks like a baby in a tube. The photo was...
A Mum Wears a Chewbacca Mask During Contractions And It’s Painfully Hilarious to Watch
Rebecca SenyardJan 09, 2017
We all remember the “Chewbacca Mum”, Candace Payne, who took a video of herself wearing a Chewbacca mask and uploaded the video to...
A Minimalist Approach to Baby Products
Rebecca SenyardJan 08, 2017
A minimalist approach to baby products sounds a bit intimidating, but it shouldn’t be. The concept is one I had considered when...
12 Baby Products Parents Can’t Live Without
Rebecca SenyardJan 07, 2017
When you find out you’re pregnant, it can be super exciting. You’re bringing a new life into the world. But bringing said baby into the...