A community of Australian mums.

I’m a Better Mum in Active Wear


I’m a Better Mum in Active Wear

Active wear. Big buzz word of the moment and the butt of many a joke, with the targeted muse at women. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve laughed just as much as the next person as, yes, there is a mass movement of women wearing active wear, sports kit, fit gear, whatever you want to call it, with absolutely no intention of breaking a sweat. It’s amusing! For me, however, wearing my active wear and pulling my hair back sets me up to be a happier, energetic, involved, equipped and ultimately better mum for the day.

This should go without saying but I do truly admire those gorgeous, glamorous, glowing mothers. You’ve seen them, leaping out at you like the perfect image of a magazine page. Fashion on point, flowing hair immaculate, make up flawless. A vision of perfection. I, despite my best efforts and intentions, am not that mum. When I become that image, splintering cracks begin to show as the pressures of my day gather, overwhelm and amplify. I find myself hindered by the look almost weighing me down. That look, that wonderful, beaming, bouncing visage, of I’ve got my ‘s*#t together’ just doesn’t fit me.

In the early days of a new born Hurricane, I was lucky to get out of my pyjamas, let alone chuck on a fresh, new pair of tactically ripped denim jeans. My normally favourite bras, now creating a cramped, and crippling, uncomfortable home for my overflowing, milk producing bust line. Add to the mix, beautiful baby drool, spit up and grubby hands, I found myself burning through load upon load of laundry just to keep up with the spillage. Comfortable, couch clothes were the best and most efficient way to cope through those sluggish, slopping newborn days.

As the Hurricane grew my wardrobe evolved and adapted with him. Off came the slippers and on came the trainers. With my active, perpetually moving little man, I needed to be equipped and capable for running, jumping, rolling, tumbling, tackling, anything my little explorer needed so that he and I were able to navigate and adventure in the world.


In my leggings I am super mum, faster than a speeding toddler and stronger than five bags of groceries. I am bullet proof to spit up and spills, an impenetrable force of easily, wipeable Lycra. I can climb, I can leap, I can fly. I am an omniscient, swirling vortex of cooking, cleaning, stacking and packing, buoyant and bouncing back and forth in the rubber soled comfort of my sneakers. Like Black Widow in The Avengers I am armed, I am ready and I am prepared for whatever my emerging Hulk, in the form of a three year old, can and will throw at me. I can calm my inner wolverine and control my brewing storm. Together in my active wear my Hurricane and I, like Robin to his Batman, can rumble, capture, conquest and soar to any height. It is my freedom and my vessel to allow me to be the best mum I can be.

In times since I have attempted to hang up my cape, to morph into that sophisticated, stylish Lois Lane, to wear my hair out when I’m with the kids in my normal day to day, but, in the shallow truth of it all I find myself distracted and focused on my own appearance and how I look maintaining that appearance instead of being present in the moment with my little ones. I am short, I am impatient, I am less engaged and less invested in the time with my children.

Of course there are days where I put in an effort, I dust off the hairdryer, daringly don a funky white top and polish of my rocking boots, and I glide along in that glorious, glowing embodiment of the all together mother, but in my day to day workings as mum, it is my active wear and my pony tail that keep me together, keep me functional, keep me happy, keep me engaged and keep me present with my kids. I can move, I can twist, I can turn, I can lift, I can cook, I can clean, I can play, I can be messy and I can be dirty and I can be fun. It is not about being lazy or failing to care about how I look, what’s important if how I feel and, for me, I am a better mum with active wear and a pony tail.

No matter the outfit, no matter the clothes, no matter the image, we are all mothers and we are all parents. We are all striving to give our most to our children. Be the best you can be in whatever way you can. If you are a better mum in heels then be that mum, if you are a better mum in slippers then be that mum, if you are a better mum in sneakers or thongs or sandals or even bare foot then be that mum. Embrace and accept what works best for you. Don’t compare, don’t criticise. Know your weaknesses and resound with your strengths. Support one another for our differences and love your perfect imperfections.



Laura Sheehan

Laura Sheehan is an early childhood teacher and Perth based mum of two to Brody aka 'The Hurricane' and Daisy aka 'Little Ray of Sunshine.' Laura hosts a small blog The Whole Mummy looking at all things Mummy, the good, the bad and the ugly with brutal truth and honesty. Laura works closely with the Meningitis Centre Australia, having nearly lost her Hurricane to Meningococcal B Meningitis, as well as the Stillbirth Foundation Australia due to the heartbreaking stillborn loss of her second son Beau. Laura, along with her former Wallaby husband and their family aim to promote awareness of these two tragedies, offering support and encouraging greater understanding of each. They are ambassadors for both the Men Centre and The Stillbirth Foundation You can follow and learn more about Laura's story on her blog thewholemummy.com and her social media (Instagram and facebook links).

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