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Mother of Girl Born With Birthmark on Face Sick of Being Accused of Abuse



Image Credit: Daily Mail

When baby Sophia was born, new Mum Mandy had one question – What is wrong with my daughter?

While the rest of the family was overjoyed with the new arrival, the redness in Sophia’s face had her Mum worried.

Doctors thought that the redness was bruising from birth and that it would go away but when Sophia started suffering from seizures at 10 weeks old, she was diagnosed with Type 1 Sturge-Weber Syndrome (SWS).

The birthmark that covers 75 percent of her body is believed to be caused by this syndrome.

The neurological condition means Sophia, who is almost 2, can’t sit, crawl or feed herself.


Image Credit: Daily Mail

And while it’s hard enough dealing with the initial problem, comments from strangers make it even more difficult.

‘I understand she has a bright red face and people are going to look and people are curious – especially children – we understand that,’ Mandy told Daily Mail Australia.

‘But it’s the naive and insensitive comments that just aren’t necessary.’

She explains that people ask questions like – did you burn her? Is she sunburnt? What rash is that? Is it contagious?

Mandy has started a social media campaign called Sauce Ya Face in the hope of appearing on The Ellen Degeneres Show to raise awareness of the condition.

Mandy says her greatest wish is that her daughter will one day be able to walk and talk but are just thankful that they have Sophia in their lives.

‘We’ll never underestimate her but we haven’t allowed ourselves to think that far ahead,’ she said. ‘If she could walk that would be major and feed herself. I know they’re only basic things for some but for us that’s huge.’

Jessica Harris

Hi, I’m Jess. Mum of 3 kids, happy wife and self-confessed gossip queen. I have a background in media and this is where my love of all things celeb began. Being a mother myself I understand we don’t always have time to sit down, have a cuppa and catch up on the latest breaking gossip stories – this is where I come in!

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