A community of Australian mums.

Posts by: Rebecca Senyard

fedex flies a toddler

FedEx Flies a Toddler Through a Snowstorm so She Could Receive Her Liver Transplant

FedEx Flies a Toddler Through a Snowstorm so She Could Receive Her Liver Transplant What would you do if you knew you could save a life?...

the bloom method

The Bloom Method AKA Belly Pumping is the Latest Fitness Program Trend for Pregnant Women

The Bloom Method AKA Belly Pumping is the Latest Fitness Program Trend for Pregnant Women The Bloom Method is the latest fitness program...

5 Useful Apps Every New Parent Needs

5 Useful Apps Every New Parent Needs I always joke with friends that I lost a third of my brain after having each of my children. While I...

poocasso efforts

A Dad Shares a Hilarious Post About His Toddler’s Poocasso Efforts Which Goes Viral

A Dad Shares a Hilarious Post About His Toddler’s Poocasso Efforts A dad’s Facebook post about his daughter’s poocasso...

This Viral Video Shows What Can Happen if Your Child Chews Their Fingernails And it’s GROSS

This Viral Video Shows What Can Happen If Your Child Chews Their Fingernails And it’s GROSS If your child chews their fingernails,...

why dads aren't babysitters

‘Dads Aren’t Babysitters’, a Viral Post Makes a Point About Normalising Dad’s Role in The Family

‘Dads Aren’t Babysitters’, a Viral Post Makes a Point About Normalising Dads Role in The Family The term ‘babysitter’...

ride bike to aldi

A Six-Year-Old Sparks a Police Search After Riding To Aldi to Buy His Mum a Mother’s Day Present

A Six-Year-Old Sparks a Police Search After Riding To Aldi to Buy His Mum a Mother’s Day Present Raith Barlow is one determined...

cotton buds injuries

Parents Are Urged Not to Clean Their Children’s Ears With Cotton Buds to Prevent Ear Injuries

Parents Are Urged Not to Clean Their Children’s Ears With Cotton Buds to Prevent Ear Injuries Cotton swabs are useful for many...

viral mother video

This Viral Video Shows Mums Worldwide How an Ordinary Day Can be Magical to Your Kid

This Viral Video Shows Mums Worldwide How an Ordinary Day Can be Magical to Your Kid We all know kids don’t see the same as we do. What...

mum says we should live by example when it comes to body image

When it Comes to Body Image, Mums Need to Lead By Example

Your influence as a mother is powerful because often, there are little eyes watching every move you make, and little ears that hear every...

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