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This Dad Just Learnt a Hilariously Valuable Lesson About Swearing in Front of His Toddler

This Dad Just Learnt a Hilariously Valuable Lesson About Swearing in Front of His Toddler

This dad has learnt a very valuable lesson about swearing in front of his almost two-year-old son, Joel.

James LaPorta is a former Marine who served two tours in Afghanistan. He’s also a military reporter and freelance journalist for the Washington Post, but now he is famous for being the father of the obscenity-screaming toddler on Twitter.

The video of James’ son repeatedly saying the F-word as his dad helplessly stares at the camera has gone viral, and the embarrassed dad is now reconsidering his own vocabulary.

Beware, there will be many hilarious f-bombs dropped in the following clip:

Ohh dear. It’s funny when it’s not your kid, isn’t it?

“He probably learned it from me,” LaPorta admitted to HuffPost, although he did reveal he’d been “trying really hard to curb my language around him.”

The amusing footage has since gone viral, with many commenters sympathizing with his predicament. Others have even suggested other non-curse words for him to use in front of his child.

“The reactions have been extremely positive,” the former soldier told Scary Mommy. “I’m glad I’m not the only one who goes through this.”

You’re absolutely right about that, James! Happens to the best of us.


Source: Twitter/James LaPorta


Jill is a busy wife and mother of four young children. She loves nothing more than making people giggle, and loves to settle in with a glass of wine (or four) and wander about the internet. Feel free to follow her to see all the cool stuff she finds!

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