A community of Australian mums.

“My Husband and I Watched as Our Son Fought for Life in ICU”

“My Husband and I Watched as Our Son Fought for Life in ICU”

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Being the mother of a child who nearly died from a vaccine preventable disease, I’ve seen first hand the importance of immunisations and the importance of vaccinating your child on time according to the national schedule. I’ve watched him struggle for life in ICU. I’ve seen his fragile body buckle and collapse against a raging disease. I’ve made my phone calls to family to come and say goodbye and I’ve made the most difficult of calls to friends, friends with newborns, friends with immune compromised babies, that because my child is sick, because my child had only days before appeared healthy and come into contact with them that their child could, potentially have contracted the disease. My little boy, by some miracle, pulled through and is a happy and healthy four year old today. But we are forever marked and so aware of the importance of on time vaccinations.

Getting together with my friends since then, we’ve seen the arrival of many new little faces. The craziness now ranges from rambunctious kindy age kids, troublesome toddlers and bright eyed newbies! Since then we are all a little more wary of how easily a situation can escalate when vaccinations aren’t up do date, especially for our newest little ones. Without herd immunity, without their older siblings and friends being up to date and fully vaccinated, the risk of them coming into contact with life-threatening diseases increases.

Even without the hands on experience, we’d talk ;

“Have you had their 18 month shot done yet?”

“When is their next shot due ?”

“Did your little one get a temperature after their last vaccination?”

“What did you find helped when they were grizzly?”

All the standard mum vaccinations questions, you know. It’s your mum-squad, it’s what you do!

But something so normal and talked about so openly and easily with your mum-pack, the conversation of immunisation with new friends can be a little more difficult and uncomfortable. That’s where the Save the Date to Vaccinate app works as a fantastic ice breaker for the tricky conversations!

“Hey, have you seen this app? It reminds you when the kids are due to be immunised, and I’ve found it to be fantastic!  One less thing to worry about.”

It approaches the topic in a relaxed, helpful and non-confrontational way.

So How Does the App Work?

‘Save the Date to Vaccinate’ allows parents to create a personalised immunisation schedule for their child (or children, you can add multiples) by simply adding their name, date of birth and your GP’s contact details. The app then calculates when your child’s vaccinations are due, and sends you reminders to ensure that they are vaccinated on time and in accordance with the recommended immunisation schedule. You can even call your GP or immunisation provider from the app itself. It takes the stress out of vaccinating with help, support and can be a great way of connecting with other mums over immunisation. Let’s face it, we are juggling enough balls in the game of motherhood and any app that drives home the importance of scheduled vaccinations is a winner in my book!



With this new technology in my hot little hand I cannot wait to share it with my mum squad, new mum’s and old hats to the game, to see how the amazing little lifesaver can help and support them in their motherhood journey! Next month I will be inviting friends from my social circle to share their thoughts and experiences with the app. Feel free to download the app and play along at home, and we can all compare notes in a few weeks time.

You can read what my mum’s group had to say about the app here.

We all want the best for our little ones and this app makes our job just that little bit easier!

Laura Sheehan

Laura Sheehan is an early childhood teacher and Perth based mum of two to Brody aka 'The Hurricane' and Daisy aka 'Little Ray of Sunshine.' Laura hosts a small blog The Whole Mummy looking at all things Mummy, the good, the bad and the ugly with brutal truth and honesty. Laura works closely with the Meningitis Centre Australia, having nearly lost her Hurricane to Meningococcal B Meningitis, as well as the Stillbirth Foundation Australia due to the heartbreaking stillborn loss of her second son Beau. Laura, along with her former Wallaby husband and their family aim to promote awareness of these two tragedies, offering support and encouraging greater understanding of each. They are ambassadors for both the Men Centre and The Stillbirth Foundation You can follow and learn more about Laura's story on her blog thewholemummy.com and her social media (Instagram and facebook links).

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