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Try These Three Easy Parenting Resolutions for a Happier Family This Year

Try These Three Easy Parenting Resolutions for a Happier Family This Year

How are your new year’s resolutions going? Did you do what I did and make them in earnest before completely forgetting all about them and then abandoning all good intentions entirely? Yep. Every year!

But here are three parenting resolutions that are easy to remember, simple to do and will make for a much happier family in the long run.

Number One: Limit Screen Time – For Everyone!

This one might not seem so easy, now that I think of it. It has become a habit to pop the telly on of a morning while everyone gets ready for the day. Then there’s the computer time in the afternoon when it’s bright and sunny outside and bicycles, cricket sets and trampolines get neglected in favour of playing Roblox with their school friends. And I’m not even going to mention my own personal phone usage when I could be a more fun and attentive mum.

In the mornings, instead of turning the tv on first thing, play some music instead. Blare that shiz and watch moods rise and children dance and sing as they get ready for school. Set aside some time in the afternoons to get homework done and then encourage outside play. Initiate screen-free time right before bed in favour of reading.

Number Two: Take Care of Yourself

We all know this one. It’s easier to say than do though, right? Schedule a date night, take a bubble bath, go and get your nails done or meet a friend for a coffee. It’s hard with children, but try and make it a priority to do something for yourself at least once a week. Make a start on reading that book that you’ve been putting off, or just buy yourself some gourmet ice cream and scoff it when the kids are in bed. And be kind to yourself! Don’t say things to yourself that you wouldn’t dream of saying to your best friend.

Number Three: Reconnect with Everyone in Your Family Daily

This resolution is possibly the hardest but most rewarding. How quickly do the days fly by? The next thing you know you’re lying in bed again wondering where the day went and if you really managed some quality time with everyone. I’ve made it a personal resolution to connect with each family member one on one during the day. Maybe only for five minutes, maybe longer if possible (there are a lot of people in my family, that’s us in the pic above, plus my husband not pictured).

Perhaps you could find a bonding moment with your child while cooking dinner? Or maybe during a one on one trip to the shops? Spend some time having a chat on the trampoline or cuddled up on the lounge reading a book. Make it your mission to feel good in the knowledge that you were present with each family member at least once each day. And smile as you lay your head on your pillow, for today was a good one.

Don’t worry about missing the New Year’s cut off for resolutions — any time is a good time to make a start on changing your family’s lives for the better.

I am definitely going to give these a try. Are you with me?


Jill is a busy wife and mother of four young children. She loves nothing more than making people giggle, and loves to settle in with a glass of wine (or four) and wander about the internet. Feel free to follow her to see all the cool stuff she finds!

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