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These 10 Simple Life Hacks Will Have You Fist Pumping.

When you’re a parent, anything that makes your life easier is more than welcomed, I’m sure of it. “Life Hacks”, or “Mum Hacks” make me feel as though I’m more than just a mum. They subsequently make me feel as though I’m MacGyver, about to defuse an explosive with just a bobby pin, a tictac and an overripe banana. These hacks make me feel as though other parents before me, totally have my back. Those superstars before us, that have thought, you know what this is just too hard, there must be an easier way.

Then they find one.

Today I thought I’d share these ten life hacks that just may make your life a little easier. At the end of the day, which one of us wouldn’t welcome an idea to make life simpler?


Life Hacks:

1 – Vomit. Not a fan of it. When the vomit fairy comes to play at your house, ensure that you’re equipped. Place ground coffee on vomit. The coffee takes away the smell and dehydrates it. Then you can sweep it up easily!


Posted by Cherub Baby on Sunday, 8 January 2017

2 – Treat hack. Stick an ice-cream cone on top of cupcake batter and bake. The cake ends up rising into the cone and you can put ice cream or whipped cream on top for a different and fun dessert!

(Via: Pinterest)••M.U.M••

Posted by Muddled Up Mummy on Saturday, 17 September 2016

3 – Time Hack! Help your children with their routine in addition to helping them tell the time, by colour coordinating their tasks!

Great idea 󾭖 . Dinner and bedtime routine for us takes hours.. Maybe this will help 󾮞🏼󾮞🏼󾮞🏼 mummylifehacks #mumlife…

Posted by Mummy Life Hacks on Tuesday, 14 June 2016

4 – For the next time you run out of eggs! Or especially relevant if you have an egg allergy! Brilliant!

(Via: Pinterest)••M.U.M••

Posted by Muddled Up Mummy on Saturday, 17 September 2016

5 – Do you have a child that just hasn’t worked out the night time toilet training routine as yet? Sometimes the mattress protector is just not enough. Especially with older children who probably hold more liquid. Place some puppy pads over the mattress protector and under the sheets. It will help and most of all, cut your cleaning time in half.

Great idea 󾭖- put a puppy training pad down under your little ones sheet during toilet training . I would still…

Posted by Mummy Life Hacks on Sunday, 15 May 2016

6 – If you need to soften butter quickly but don’t want to melt it in the microwave! First of all place boiling hot water in a glass to first of all heat the glass. Then pour the water out and place it over your stick of butter!

(Via: Pinterest)••M.U.M••

Posted by Muddled Up Mummy on Saturday, 17 September 2016

7 – When buying bagged lettuce, buy the flattest bag possible. When greens are packaged the air is sucked out, then as they age they give off gas making the bag puffier!

(Via: Pinterest)••M.U.M••

Posted by Muddled Up Mummy on Saturday, 17 September 2016

8 – Soak apple slices in a bowl of cold lemon water. This is better than squeezing the lemon juice directly on the fruit. Perfect for crunch and sip and due to the lemon water, it won’t go brown!

(Via: Pinterest)••M.U.M••

Posted by Muddled Up Mummy on Saturday, 17 September 2016

9 – Drape a paper over over the top of left over lettuce and cover it with plastic wrap. As a result it will stay fresh for a week!

(Via: Pinterest)••M.U.M••

Posted by Muddled Up Mummy on Saturday, 17 September 2016

10 – Avoid eggshell rage by placing half a teaspoon of baking soda to the water while boiling eggs. Consequently the shell will come off while peeling!

(Via: Pinterest)••M.U.M••

Posted by Muddled Up Mummy on Saturday, 17 September 2016

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