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Dad Asks for Parenting Advice and Gets Hilarious Responses Instead!

Dad Asks for Parenting Advice and Gets Hilarious Responses Instead!

An anonymous father has asked a popular Facebook page for some advice, but instead of receiving helpful information he was inundated with absolutely hilarious responses instead.

The Life of Dad, a Facebook page dedicated to getting through fatherhood, posted a comment from one of their community members a couple of weeks ago who had a discipline question about their son.

“Our 15-month-old has started to hit us with his hand and headbutt us. How can we teach him that’s not the right thing to do? I think to him it’s a joke or something. Any advice?”

Fair enough, that’s not a silly question! It wasn’t phrased with any humour either, suggesting it really was a serious question asked in earnest. And a lot of children go through this phase. So we can well imagine that the anonymous father was sitting back and waiting for a wealth of knowledge to flow his way once the page published his question.


That is not what happened at all!

The post has received well over seventy thousand comments and responses to this all-important question, and we have selected the very best for you to enjoy:

Oh my, I’m going to need a minute, I’m in tears of laughter over here!!

One thing that did stand out though, is that mums pages are rarely this cool. Actual helpful information being passed from one seasoned mother to another is always a great thing, as is a lot of heartfelt support. But there is also a strong undercurrent of judgement that can be difficult to wade through. One commenter made this most excellent point:


So, how do you stop a toddler from hitting and headbutting during this phase? According to Parenting.com, here is the answer!

  1. Don’t laugh at them, it only encourages them.
  2. Distract them.
  3. Help them communicate in other ways
  4. Remove bad influences

While helpful, this advice is not as good as any of the responses to the Life of Dad post though!


Source: Facebook/Life of Dad



Jill is a busy wife and mother of four young children. She loves nothing more than making people giggle, and loves to settle in with a glass of wine (or four) and wander about the internet. Feel free to follow her to see all the cool stuff she finds!

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