This Creative Mum Tracked Her Pregnancy With Hilarious Letter Board Messages
Mum-of-two Maya Vorderstrasse tracked her recent pregnancy in a funny photo series by writing how she’s feeling on a letter board.
From food cravings to needing to pee all the time to swollen feet, Maya shared her pregnancy in the most hilarious and honest way by acting out how she’s feeling next to the letter board. Sometimes, her partner also helps her convey the message.
The young mum, who also has a 1-year-old named Zoey, told HuffPost that she decided to regularly post pictures with the letter board to shake up the seemingly perfect photos she had seen of other women’s pregnancies.
“Honestly I was so tired of seeing motherhood portrayed as perfect, flawless, and effortless on social media, because I never felt like it was like that for me,” she said. “So I embraced my chaotic life, and decided to share it with everyone in the hopes of helping other mothers realize that it’s OK to not have it all figured out.”
“I just try to translate my symptoms into words, but in my brain everything comes together in a funny way, because I’d rather laugh at my own misery than cry about it,” she said.
Maya’s two daughters were born less than 12 months apart and she says that although having two children so close together in age is a challenge, she wouldn’t change a thing.
“I’ll keep laughing my way out of diapers and screams because when I look back at my life, I’ll want to remember it as fun, light and filled with love,” she said.
She has plans on keeping her letter board project going as long as she can.
“Soon I’ll have to deal with the terrible twos, and I can’t wait to see what those boards will look like!”
Source: Instagram/Maya Vorderstrasse