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US Woman Sells Positive Pregnancy Tests and Urine on Craigslist


US Woman Sells Positive Pregnancy Tests and Urine on Craigslist

positive-pregnancy-testA woman in Jacksonville, Florida, has found a way to make money while pregnant. The unnamed mother-to-be has listed her enterprising services on Craigslist, and is making decent coin selling her urine and positive pregnancy tests.

In a “no questions asked” deal, the woman meets with her buyers and has them purchase a pregnancy test kit. She then uses the product and hands it over in exchange for $30. What the buyers do with the positive pregnancy test is none of her concern.

The woman, who didn’t want to be identified, said she got into this after looking online for a job she could do while she was pregnant.

Her ad (which has now been removed) reads…

“Very self explanatory I am 6 months and I am providing a product in which the consumer is able to purchase positive pregnancy tests or urine for your own use. Whether you are using it for your own amusement such as a prank, or to blackmail the ceo of where ever who you are having an affair with I DON’T CARE AT ALL this is absolutely a no questions asked type of deal tell me what you need I provide it for monetary exchange. I will not overcharge for the urine test but I will not be low balled either do not contact me if you are going to be cheap and difficult”


In an interview with a local tv station, the woman revealed a little more about her money-making scheme.

“I saw from other women and their experiences that it’s very easy,” the woman said. “$200 in a day off, something I have to do no matter what,” the woman said.

The woman said dozens of people contact her to meet up and some even travel for two hours to take advantage of her deal, but she said she never asks what they do with the pregnancy tests.

“I don’t see how you could trap a man,” the woman said.

She went on to explain her reasons why she sells positive pregnancy tests and her urine.

“Me being in college working on a bachelor’s and needing all this money to pay for a degree, this was a no-brainer.”

While there is nothing illegal about what this woman is doing, it certainly raises a lot of questions as to the motives of her customers. Are they committing fraud? Tricking their boyfriends into proposing? Blackmailing someone? It’s also hard to believe that there are so many people in need of a positive pregnancy test that this would be a decent money earner.

What do you think?


Jill is a busy wife and mother of four young children. She loves nothing more than making people giggle, and loves to settle in with a glass of wine (or four) and wander about the internet. Feel free to follow her to see all the cool stuff she finds!

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