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Kid Friendly Lunch Meat Taco’s On Tuesday, Ole!

As a family we love all things Mexican. Taco’s, nacho’s, burrito’s and handle bar moustaches. I like to mix it up a little when it comes to what meat I cook with what dish in order to keep things interesting. If I’m cooking nachos, I like to use a mince. If I’m making taco’s, I like to use a pulled beef. On one particular night a couple of weeks back, I over seasoned the pulled beef that I was going to serve for the tacos. It was way too spicy for the kids and there was no way they were going to eat it without it “burning their lips off” quote unquote. A tad dramatic, I confess, although I did taste the meat myself and I knew it was going to hurt me later. I couldn’t inflict that kind of pain on the kids.

Rather than serve an empty taco I had to think quick. Instead of panicking, I retreated to the fridge to search for another form of protein to place inside the crunchy corn casing. The trimmings were all still on point. I had my cheese, lettuce, corn, shredded carrot, spiced lentils, and most importantly, salsa. “Make your own taco night” was a sure fire way to get them to eat vegetables without too much fuss or stress. Anything that gave them autonomy and a sense of independence meant they ate more and I nagged less. Win win, muchachos.

As I contemplated cooking up some spare mince, I nixed the idea immediately. I couldn’t be bothered. The kids were getting hangry and I needed something now. I spied some delicatessen meat that I was going to use for lunches for the week, and a light went on. Granted it was the fridge light, but you get the gist. It was at that moment that a winning combination was born.

I placed ham off the bone, turkey breast, and proscuitto on the table among the other fillings.

My tuna obsessed son asked me to crack him open a can so he could experiment. Hell why not.

I then sat back and watched my kids devour the contents of the table. They loved it. More so than the regular pulled beef we use.

This accidental meal has now become a staple in our house. It’s an easy fix to a hungry belly. All you need to do is keep the fridge prepped with trimmings, and you can make these easy lunch meat tacos at any time.

Pop them in school lunch boxes. Make them as an afternoon snack.

Possibilities are endless, and they’re a great gluten free, low carb alternative!

Ingredients for Taco’s:

Taco shells

Lunch meat of your choice





Shredded Carrot

Any other filling of your choice


Warm up your taco shells in the oven and fill to your heart’s content.




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