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This Mum’s Viral Tear-Free Splinter Hack is Genius!

This Mum’s Viral Tear-Free Splinter Hack is Genius!

It’s one thing that always fills me with dread – a small child tearfully telling me that they have a splinter. No good has ever come from this – I get out the tweezers which, in my child’s eyes, now resembles some sort of medieval torture device and the task of having them sit very still while I grip their little hand and try a surgical removal without hurting them begins. And we can’t just leave it there in case it gets infected. It’s never easy.

But a mum from the UK has shared a genius splinter removal hack that promises a quick, easy and tear-free splinter removal, using something most of us already have in our medicine cupboards!

“Kids got a splinter?” mum Claire Bullen-Jones writes.

“Grab the Calpol box and take out the syringe that comes with it! Make sure it’s clean obviously!” 

We’re going to go ahead and suggest that the Nurofen syringe would be very similar to what Claire is referring to here.

“You need to make sure there’s a little bit of a gap before you start – picture for example.”


“Put the small hole at the bottom of the syringe as best you can over the splinter.”

“Once you know you’re above it, make sure the syringe is touching the skin – and pull! Make sure there are no gaps otherwise you won’t get it! The syringe will more than likely pull it out in the first go!

“Pain free, no tugging and pulling, and no little ones upset or scared at getting it out! Don’t pull slowly! You need to pull rather quickly! If it’s a stubborn splinter, just do this a couple of times! Saves so much time, and well worth seeing the kids smile at the end of it rather than red faces and tears! Because the plastic is clear, you can check what’s been taken out of the skin!

“Best parent hack to date! Pass it on mums and dads!”

Well, I’ll be! How easy does that sound!

I really want to test it out, but short of sending the kids out to play in the woodpile naked, I guess we’ll just have to wait until the next time someone gets a splinter instead!


Thanks Claire!


Jill is a busy wife and mother of four young children. She loves nothing more than making people giggle, and loves to settle in with a glass of wine (or four) and wander about the internet. Feel free to follow her to see all the cool stuff she finds!

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