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Parent Shares Their Genius Carabiner Hack to Keep Their Toddler Safe in the Supermarket

We all love a good parenting hack around here! Especially if it is designed to keep our children safe.

A parent has shared their genius tip for keeping their toddler safe in the supermarket shopping trolley, and all you need is a carabiner!

“Keep your toddler safely in the grocery cart seat (and prevent abductions) with a carabiner,” the wise parent captioned their image showing a toddler perched in a shopping trolley with a carabiner attached around a belt loop and hooked onto the trolley seat.

It’s so simple we are wondering why we hadn’t thought of it before!

Of course, the toddler needs to be wearing a pair of pants with belt loops, but with a little forward planning that can be arranged easily.

This would be a brilliant way to keep your toddler from constantly standing up in the trolley seat, which is something my son used to do when he was small.

All you’ve got to worry about is having your child take their trousers off before freeing themselves and running through the supermarket pantsless. Not something that is likely to slip your supervision, no matter how distracted you might be!

Other parents agreed that this was a great idea:

“I do this with my purse,” wrote one mum.

“As a child who fell out of multiple shopping carts, I don’t think this is the worst idea,” commented another.

“I would totally forget I clamped my kid to the cart and try to lift them out while attached lol,” added another parent, saying exactly what will happen to anyone who tries this carabiner trick.

What do you think? Could this help keep your child from standing up in the shopping trolley next time you do a grocery run? It might be worth a try!


Source: Reddit/Life Hacks


Jill is a busy wife and mother of four young children. She loves nothing more than making people giggle, and loves to settle in with a glass of wine (or four) and wander about the internet. Feel free to follow her to see all the cool stuff she finds!

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