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Photographer Captures the Beauty of Breastfeeding in This Powerful Portrait Series

Photographer Captures the Beauty of Breastfeeding in This Powerful Portrait Series

A series of breastfeeding portraits by photographer Sophie Harris-Taylor has gone viral recently, even featuring on the cover of the British edition of  Vogue. Her stunning portrait series, titled “Milk” depicts the difficulty, the frustration and the raw beauty of mothers breastfeeding their children.

“Before having my son, I, like many other women, had an idealised but perhaps unrealistic expectation of breastfeeding,” Harris-Taylor writes.

“The images I’d seen tended to represent breastfeeding in quite a generic and non-informative way. I wanted to open up the conversation – not for or against, simply more honest. Letting mums share their story in the comfort of their homes, I hope it can give others who choose to breastfeed something to connect with and to feel a little more understood.

“With so much more open and honest discussion around the role of women’s bodies at the moment, now feels like the right time to discuss one of its most basic functions in a truthful and refreshing way.”

Here are some of Sophie Harris-Taylor’s most powerful photographs:

You can view Sophie Harris-Taylor’s full portrait series, along with statements from the women photographed here.


Source: Sophie Harris-Taylor


Jill is a busy wife and mother of four young children. She loves nothing more than making people giggle, and loves to settle in with a glass of wine (or four) and wander about the internet. Feel free to follow her to see all the cool stuff she finds!

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