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Category: Baby Talk

Mother dies for 11 minutes after giving birth – wakes up with no recollection of being pregnant.

Hilary Wilson suffered a severe cardiac arrest as she gave birth to her son and was technically dead for 11 minutes. When she woke up four...

Instagram deletes account of mother who shared a photo of her stretch marks.

  Image Credit: Daily Mail A mother-of-two decided to post a picture of her stretch marks on Instagram to inspire others but two...

What This Mum Has to Say About Her Post Baby Body May Surprise You!

This is the image that Jennifer Campbell a.k.a. Mama Lion Strong, blogger and women’s health advocate shared on her Facebook page on...

Mum asks for no pain relief and gives birth to almost 12 pound baby eight hours later!

Image Credit: Daily Mail Danielle Davies has given birth to one of Britain’s biggest babies! Harley was born weighing 11b 5oz and...

Is Going to a Mother’s Group Really THAT Important?

  When you’re a new mum, venturing out of the house with your newborn can be a daunting task. I remember it quite well even though...

Woman’s baby belly turns out to be a tumour.

Imagine turning up at the hospital ready to give birth to the baby you’ve been growing for months only to be told that it isn’t...

What I’ve Learnt About Living with Toddlers…..

Although I am certainly no expert, now that we have two toddlers destroying living in my house, I fell as though I’ve learnt one or...

How to Help the Parents of a Premature Baby

Premature birth (less than 37 weeks) is an all too common occurrence for many Australian families.  Each year over 45,000 babies are...

simone john daughter Marley raise awareness of KTS

The Image of the Aussie Toddler That Went Viral and Why You Should Share it Too

Can you imagine gong out with your family to enjoy the sunshine and a swim, only to have to endure strangers pointing and/or staring at...

65-year-old teacher pregnant with quadruplets.

  Image Credit: Daily Mail German Annegret Raunigk who is a 65-year-old teacher and mother of 13 children, is set to be the oldest...

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