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6 Easy Meals Your Toddler (and the Rest of Your Family) Will Love

6 Easy Meals Your Toddler (and the Rest of Your Family) Will Love

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Parenting unpredictable and strong-willed toddlers can be a challenge at the best of times. Considering how few choices they get to really make for themselves about where to go and what to do during a typical day, it probably shouldn’t come as too much of a surprise that many toddlers choose to wield the limited power they do have, at the dinner table. As any parent will tell you, toddlers are notoriously fickle. What was their food of choice, every day for a week, can quite as easily become the subject of fierce refusal at the drop of a hat. Better yet, since the whole family likely gathers around the table for dinner, they also have an audience.  Add to the equation, that the family mealtime comes at the end of the day when we all have less energy and patience in reserve, and its little wonder that mealtimes with toddlers have the potential to become quite stressful, very quickly!

We’ve put together 8 of our favourite, easy meal ideas that everyone will love…yep, even your tired, cranky toddler!

Cheesy Bacon Potato Cakes

Whip up these cheesy bacon potato cakes in just 10 minutes, using up leftover mashed potato, and a few other ingredients you probably already have lying around in the fridge and pantry.

Get the recipe here

Popcorn Chicken

Not even the fussiest of toddlers would turn their little nose up to these delicious bite-size pieces of popcorn chicken.

Get the recipe here

Easy Throw Together Toddler-Friendly Antipasto Plate

For those night when you just don’t have the energy to face going to the supermarket with an over-tired toddler, and opt instead to use up whatever you have at home, we present you with the family antipasto plate! Ta-da! Add in some fresh fruit, some raw veggies, cheeses, dips and other bits and pieces and transform boring old chips and nuggets into a personalised healthy feast!


Related: Tips on How to Avoid Toddler Tantrums in the Supermarket

Cheese and Bacon Mini Quiches

Toddlers love to eat with their hands – and these mini quiches are perfect to make ahead for a healthy snack, lazy dinner or even a party or get together.

Get the recipe here

Mini Cottage Pies

Continuing the ‘mini’ hand-sized food theme, are these mini cottage pies. They are another great way to use up leftover mash potato and make an easy and economical meal that appeals to small children.

Get the recipe here

Easy Oven Baked Chicken Tacos

You can always rely on tacos to be a crowd pleaser, even when the crowd includes a hard-to-please toddler! These oven baked chicken tacos are so easy to whip together, you can have them on the table in just 20 minutes!

Get the recipe here


Hot Tip for Stress-Free Grocery Shopping

Have you seen a recipe you’d like to try, but not sure when you’ll be able to get to the supermarket in between sorting Mount Wash-more and toddler naps?

Besides avoiding public toddler tantrums there are a number of benefits to doing your grocery shopping online. For example, Coles on eBay is currently offering new customers $49 off their first shop (must exceed $99). The only catch is that you must be an eBay Plus member, but considering you can sign up for 30 day FREE membership trial it’s not ‘a catch’ at all! Annual membership for eBay Plus is $49, so if you decide to continue with the program after the trial period, you effectively receive it for free.

eBay Plus members can also enjoy an ongoing 5% discount when they do their grocery shopping at Coles on eBay, which can add up to come substantial savings over a yearly period.

Also, eBay Plus members get free delivery on orders over $49, so y’know, you can also save on fuel and all that effort getting them in and out of the car all of the time too!

Download your FREE copy of the SPRING ebook

Full of delicious recipes, fun family activities, handy printables

and your chance to WIN a $200 voucher to spend at Coles on Ebay!




Jolene Marie Humphry

Jolene is Editor at Mum Media Group, where she enjoys writing, sharing and connecting with other like-minded women online – it also gives her the perfect excuse to ignore Mount-Washmore until it threatens to bury her family in an avalanche of Skylander T-shirts and Frozen Pyjama pants. (No one ever knows where the matching top is!) Likes: Reading, cooking, sketching, dancing (preferably with a Sav Blanc in one hand), social media, and sitting down on a toilet seat that one of her children hasn’t dripped, splashed or sprayed on. Dislikes: Writing pretentious crap about herself in online bio’s and refereeing arguments amongst her offspring.

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