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Parents Share Cheap and Easy Teething Hack – Why Didn’t We Think of This Before?

Parents Share Cheap and Easy Teething Hack – Why Didn’t We Think of This Before?

I don’t know about you, but around here we are ALL about the life hacks. If there’s a faster or more effective way to make life easier then I need to know about it!

And when it comes to babies teething, we need all the help we can get. Sure, you can buy many products to help ease the discomfort, from teething toys to frozen fruit in a mesh bag and homeopathic tablets to baby paracetamol. Sometimes they seem to work, other times they don’t. One thing is for sure — we can always try something new to help our little ones get through this difficult stage of babyhood.

Parents are sharing this amazing baby teething hack and we are stunned that we hadn’t thought of it before.

Are you ready? This could be life-changing!

Well, maybe not life-changing, but it might be fun to try!

The idea came from the Facebook page The Parent Pack:

“Squeeze yummy baby pouches onto greaseproof paper on a tray and pop in the freezer for fun, frozen, yummy teethers. So soothing on baby gums. We made lots of cute shapes suitable for little hands! One pouch makes loads of teethers! We are obsessed!”

I told you we were surprised that we didn’t think of this before! How easy is that?

You can buy these squishy packs of baby food for about $1 each, and they come in all sorts of flavours. You could even use the yoghurt ones too if your baby is old enough to enjoy them.

Will you give this a try? Let us know how it goes!


Jill is a busy wife and mother of four young children. She loves nothing more than making people giggle, and loves to settle in with a glass of wine (or four) and wander about the internet. Feel free to follow her to see all the cool stuff she finds!

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