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Try Covitol Cream for Yourself – We Think You’ll Love it!

Try Covitol Cream for Yourself – We Think You’ll Love it!

Whether your child is a newborn bub with their first case of nappy rash, a toddler with eczema or a school kid prone to mozzie bites or falling and scraping their knees – we recommend keeping some Covitol in your handbag. For those new to the product, it doesn’t take long to figure out why this wonder-cream has built up such a cult-like following.

Although it was first developed as a treatment for nappy rash, Covitol has since proved itself as a very effective topical ointment for a whole host of ailments ranging from eczema, sunburn, cuts, scrapes and other skin infections.

So, what makes it so different from other products that are available?

Unlike other products on the market Covitol contains natural ingredients:

Zinc Oxide – Protects and soothes wonded skin and eczema

Cod liver oil – rich in Vita min A & D and Omega 3. May speed wound healing.

Parrafin – Soothes irritated skin. Low allergy.

Lanolin – Softens and soothes dry skin

Beeswax – Helps form thick protective barrier

It is worth mentioning that while it is fragrance and colour free (which is great for sensitive skin) some users do say that they can smell the cod liver oil in the cream. However, we didn’t find it to be an overpowering or unpleasant scent at all, and given its quick and effective ability to heal uncomfortable and sometimes painful conditions such as nappy rash and eczema, we certainly wouldn’t consider it to be a negative at all. In fact, we’d much prefer to apply a product with natural ingredients onto delicate skin than use something scented that may cause further irritation.

Covitol is a gentle, rich moisturiser that provides a thick, smooth barrier that protects and heals the skin – and is suitable for the whole family! We always keep a tube handy just in case, and we’re pretty sure you will too after you try it!

Covitol is available from pharmacies $7.95 for 75g and $12.50 for 150g.

Try it for Yourself! Win a 150g tube of Covitol.

We’ve got four 150g tubes of Covitol to giveaway to readers who would love to give this amazing product a try! For your chance to get your hands on one simply complete the entry form below.  Good luck!

Only open to residents of Australia.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Jolene Marie Humphry

Jolene is Editor at Mum Media Group, where she enjoys writing, sharing and connecting with other like-minded women online – it also gives her the perfect excuse to ignore Mount-Washmore until it threatens to bury her family in an avalanche of Skylander T-shirts and Frozen Pyjama pants. (No one ever knows where the matching top is!) Likes: Reading, cooking, sketching, dancing (preferably with a Sav Blanc in one hand), social media, and sitting down on a toilet seat that one of her children hasn’t dripped, splashed or sprayed on. Dislikes: Writing pretentious crap about herself in online bio’s and refereeing arguments amongst her offspring.

48 thoughts on “Try Covitol Cream for Yourself – We Think You’ll Love it!

  1. AvatarSara Johnston

    I’d love to try Covitol as I’ve heard so many wonderful things about it lately! This is my 3rd baby and I’d never even heard of it until recently! I’ve kind of found something that works for my family but am super curious as to what makes Covitol so amazing…so I’d love to try it risk-free 🙂

  2. AvatarJennipher Larkin

    With 3 young kids and living on a farm in the coldest place in Queensland (Stanthorpe) I’d love to have Covitol Cream in my cupboard for windburnt lips, grazed knees and nappy rash on my youngest. A cream that soothes so many ailments would be perfect for us!

  3. AvatarViny Vabriany

    My 8yo son still had ezcema flare up now and then. I’d love to try Covitol because it has cod liver oil and zinc ingredients, those great benefits for healing.

  4. AvatarPeta Newsome

    My little boy, (not so little any more),
    still gets bad skin which leaves him quite sore.
    We’d love to try Covitol and kick his eczema out the door!

  5. AvatarCarmel Corry

    Fragrance-free products are important in our household, as I am highly sensitive to most fragrances. Having a product which does the intended job but is also kind to our noses is perfect!

  6. AvatarHayley

    I have a new baby and would love to try this for her skin irritation. As a new mum I’m not very familiar with brands and am hesitant to buy things I haven’t heard of before. I’d love to win a tube to try this product risk free

  7. AvatarElizabeth Dowhaluk

    I would love to try this product out on my Tradie son who has developed eczema due to sweaty conditions. I love natural ingredients and are always on the look out for new products to trial and rave about!!

  8. AvatarLeicia Mathers

    Because one cream does it all and saves carrying around lots of tubes you can just carry one, will be great for my skin irritations and the granddaughters nappy rash

  9. AvatarSamara McRae

    My son has super sensitive eczema prone skin and we are always having issues with funding something that works. Would love to try this product.

  10. AvatarAmy Petersen

    Sensitive skin is an issue throughout my whole family, weekly a rash or skin issue presents itself, i’d love to try Covitol Cream to soothe those irritations.

  11. AvatarTina Elvins

    My son is 3 months old and suffers with the worst eczema on his face, I have tried a range of products but sometimes we only get about a week of relief and then it flares up again. I am very reluctant to use steroids because he is so young, but it’s so terrible to see them suffer.

  12. AvatarLauren Pratt

    My daughter 2 suffers from Eczema on her legs. We have tried a few creams and am yet to see any improvement and would love to give covitol a go.

    Sounds like the perfect cream for the family.

  13. Avatarsue perry

    My 6yo boy is always getting scrapes & grazes & his howls when I try putting disinfect on him can be heard throughout the neighbourhood
    So please let me try this new cream so my neighbours won’t complain

  14. Avatarlexi

    With 3 active kids this would be great to keep on hand or have in the car. My toddler still gets nappy rash, middle child is always falling over and my oldest get the worse mossie bites. Sounds like this could be a calming solution to many of our irritants.

  15. AvatarNicole Woods

    I don’t do well in the sun, and can easily get burnt after only 10 minutes in it. I’ve never really found anything that helps with the redness and pain. I’d love to try this product on it!

  16. AvatarDeanne Deluca

    3 out 4 people in my house suffer from eczema and my kids are always getting scrapes from climbing trees and playing sport I think this would be perfect to try for my family.

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